Welcome to the Hall Center for the Humanities!
We believe that the humanities play a critical role in building a humane future for our world. The Hall Center’s mission is to support research in the humanities, to create knowledge, and to share that knowledge with diverse communities.
Hall Center Resources

Why the Humanities?
Scholarship in the humanities is one of KU’s areas of research excellence. Faculty specializing in the humanities at KU produce books and journal articles with major presses and each year they present at conferences across the globe.
Funding Opportunities
The Hall Center provides a wide array of funding opportunities for faculty, students, and public scholars in the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences.

The Hall Center hosts exciting public talks speakers that inform and inspire. Here at the Hall Center, we are determined to sustain a lively, thoughtful community of ideas.
Research & Grant Development Office
The Hall Center RGDO stimulates external grant and fellowship activities and enhances the quality of applications by KU humanities scholars.