Become a Friend of the Hall Center!

The Friends of the Hall Center support the mission of KU’s Hall Center for the Humanities by providing funding for Hall Center programs, maintaining and increasing Friends membership, connecting Friends with humanities activities at KU, and advocating for broader awareness of KU humanities programs, and their importance, throughout the state. Friends of the Hall Center believe the humanities are central to building a humane world and understanding our place in that world.

Please consider becoming a Friend of the Hall Center!

You can JOIN ONLINE at the KU Endowment website or PRINT AND MAIL (PDF) your membership form.

Membership gives you access to a community of inquisitive, interesting people and to special events throughout the year. Financial support from Friends helps to fund research programs sponsored by the Hall Center and to pay for our public events, which are always free and open to anyone who wants to attend.

  • Your support can help to pay for exciting public talks by dynamic visiting speakers who share with us new ideas that open our minds, reveal new ways of understanding who we are, and uncover the histories that brought us to the moment we live in.
  • Your support can help send graduate students and faculty members on research trips to locations far away that they would not otherwise be able to visit, furthering work to broaden and deepen our understanding of the human condition.
  • Your support can help to pay for publishing costs such as the reproduction of illustrations, the production of maps or charts, and the preparation of online databases as supplements to physical books, in a publishing world where presses increasingly expect authors to share the costs of publication

The Hall Center is one of twelve designated research centers at KU. Faculty in the humanities here at KU are widely respected scholars who pro­duce a steady stream of books and journal articles with major presses; each year they give dozens of conference presentations across the globe. Scholarship in the hu­manities is one of KU’s areas of research excellence. You can help make this world-changing work possible!

Benefits of Friends Membership

The chief benefit of becoming a Friend is the satisfaction of supporting the creation of knowledge and making possible high-quality public programming sponsored by the Hall Center. Additional membership benefits include invitations to popular fall and spring socials and members-only conversations with visiting speakers.

All Friends of the Hall Center receive:

  • Invitations to exclusive social events and lectures
  • Copies of our Year in Review and bi-annual newsletters
  • A subscription to our monthly e-newsletter, Public Humanities Update
  • Reminders for upcoming Hall Center events

Members who give $500 or above also enjoy the added benefit of membership in the Hall Center Director's Circle, which entitles you to attend special receptions with guest speakers.

How to Join

You can JOIN ONLINE at the KU Endowment website or PRINT AND MAIL (PDF) your membership form.

Matching Gifts

Does your employer match charitable contributions?  Please do not forget to request a match and double your gift to the Hall Center.

Sustained Giving

This program allows you to easily pledge to KU Endowment through monthly automatic deductions from your bank account. More information available on our Sustained Giving  page.


Please contact Hall Center Assistant Director Andrew Hodgson at with any questions you may have.

Giving Levels







BISON: $5000+

AD ASTRA: $25,000+

Also Available:

The Hall Center Legacy Society

Please contact Assistant Director Andrew Hodgson if you would like to make a gift to the Hall Center in your will and have a lasting impact on the Hall Center’s future.

Friends Council

The Friends Council represents the Friends of the Hall Center and meets several times each year with the Center Director to discuss plans for the future and ways in which Friends can engage with and support the Hall Center.

Current Friends Council:

  • Kevin Boatright, Chair
  • Jackie Bogner
  • David Domann       
  • Ann Evans       
  • Ann Gardner
  • Donald Hatton   
  • Marla Jackson       
  • Jonathan Lamb   
  • Valerie Mendoza       
  • Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
  • Megan Poindexter
  • Janet Prestoy
  • Emma Scioli
  • Margaret Weisbrod Morris
  • Lora Wiley