Recent External Awards
The following list illustrates the awards KU Scholars have won to support their humanities, social sciences, or creative works projects as a result of external grant or fellowship applications. Scholars are listed alphabetically by the academic year during which they submitted their applications. Results typically are announced six to nine months after application and this list is updated as new awards are reported.
2024 - 2025
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
Poppy DeltaDawn, Visual Arts:
- University of Colorado Bolder ATLAS Institute Residency, for “Material Research as it Pertains to Traditional Craft and Creative Design Strategies”
Abdelmajid (Majid) Hannoum, Anthropology:
- The Africa Institute at Khalid Bin Mohammed School, for “Secularizing Algeria”
Megan Kaminski, English and Environmental Studies:
- Wofford College—Goodall Visiting Fellowship, Interdisciplinary Poetry and Arts at the Glendale Shoals, for “Prairie Codex: An Interspecies Care Ethics”
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025
Giselle L. Anatol, English and Hall Center for the Humanities:
- City of Lawrence Unmistakably Lawrence Grant, for “Haunting Humanities”
- National Humanities Center Humanities in Communities Nationwide Being Human Grant, for “Obscured Landmarks: Re-activating Buried Histories, Stewarding Sites for Learning”
2023 - 2024
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
Rafe M. Brown, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Curator-in-charge, Herpetology Division, KU Biodiversity Institute:
- Institute of International Education (IIE), Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Scholar Award for research in the Philippines
Sherry D. Fowler, Kress Foundation Department of Art History:
- College Art Association (CAA) Millard Meiss Publication Fund Book Subvention Award Program for “Buddhist Bells and Dragons: Under and Over Water, In and Out of Japan”
Tiffany J. González, History:
- National Humanities Center Summer Residency Program for “Representation of Change: How Chicanas Reshaped the American Political Process in the Late Twentieth Century”
Abdelmajid (Majid) Hannoum, Anthropology:
- The Africa Institute at Khalid Bin Mohammed School, for “Secularizing Algeria.”
Silvia Jee-sun Park, English:
- The Elizabeth George Foundation for “Poor Unfortunate Fools”
Marcy P. Lascano Raibley, Philosophy:
- National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, for “Cavendish’s Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy and Blazing World: a Guide”
Maya Kerstin Hyun Stiller, History of Art:
- Universitat Hamburg Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures for “Zen Art in Korea: Buddhist Murals and Architecture of the Chosŏn Period”
Akiko Takeyama, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Director, Center for East Asian Studies:
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan for “Consent in Sexual Violence: Cross-cultural Perspectives in Japan and the US”
Robert Warrior, English:
- Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions for “Native American Cultures and Traditions”
Hui Faye Xiao, East Asian Languages & Cultures:
- Chinese University of Hong Kong for three-month Hong Kong residency
INSTITUTIONAL GRANTS: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
Giselle L. Anatol, English and Hall Center for the Humanities:
- Hall Family Foundation and Kemper Foundation for “AI and Digital Literacy: Toward an Inclusive and Empowering Teaching Practice” (collaborative)
Catherine (Katie) Batza, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies:
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for “Trans at the Commons” (collaborative)
Kathryn Conrad, English:
- National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities Office of Digital for “AI & Digital Literacy: Toward an Inclusive and Empowering Teaching Practice” (collaborative)
Eileen Nutting, Philosophy:
- Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund for “The Perceptual Origins of Core Knowledge and Mathematical Cognition” (collaborative)
Nancy Snow, Philosophy:
- Templeton Religion Trust for “Intellectual Humility, Courage, and Religious Literacy and their Roles in Covenantal Pluralism” (collaborative)
- Wake Forest University Enhancing Character Initiative for “IRISE Values Adoption Initiative” (collaborative)
Akiko Takeyama, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Director, Center for East Asian Studies:
- Social Science Research Council Abe Collaborative Research Grant for “Consent in Sexual Violence: Cross-cultural Perspectives in Japan and the US” (collaborative)
2022 - 2023
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
Dylan Bassett, Music: “Celebrating Percussion from Around the World”
- Institute of International Education (IIE), Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Specialist Award
Vitaly A. Chernetsky, Slavic, German & Eurasian Studies: “Emma Andievs'ka’s A Novel about a Good Person and Ukrainian Post-World War II DP Camp Experience Reassessed”
- University of Basel, Ukrainian research in Switzerland Fellowship
Alexander C. Diener, Geography & Atmospheric Sciences): “The Middle of Somewhere: Place Attachment and the Geographies of Being”
- University of Connecticut Humanities Institute (UCHI)
Jessica Clare Gerschultz, African & African American Studies: “Fiber Art Constellations: A Critical History of Modern Tapestry”
- Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) and New York University Abu Dhabi
Jeffrey A. Hall, Communication Studies: “Why Social Media Matters the Most for People Who are the Most Disconnected or: Connecting Those Who are in the Greatest Need of Care”
- Harvard University, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society’s Institute for Rebooting Social Media Visiting Scholars Fellowship
Araceli Masterson-Algar, Spanish & Portuguese and Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: “Demands for Land and the Right to Housing: Ecuadorian Migration in Transnational Social Movements”
- American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant
Rachel Quist, Art History: “Forging Bonds through Icons and Ritual: Imperial Patronage of Daigoji”
- American Council of Learned Societies/The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies Dissertation Fellowship
Vidhita Raina, Art History: “Envisioning Patterns of Global Exchange: Sarasa, Shimamono and Wasarasa”
- Japan Foundation, Japanese Studies Fellowship
David Roediger, American Studies: “Casting Friday”
- Huntington Library Long-Term Fellowship
Sean H. Seyer, History: “A Tale of Two Martins: Glenn L. Martin, James V. Martin, and the Construction of Expertise in the American Aircraft Industry”
- Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum’s A. Verville Fellowship
James Tunde Yékú, African & African American Studies: “The Algorithmic Age of Personality”
- Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation’s Humboldt Research Fellowship
INSTITUTIONAL GRANTS: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
Giselle L. Anatol, English and Hall Center for the Humanities: “AI and Digital Literacy: Educators' Summit” and “Haunting Humanities”
- Hall Family Foundation
- Humanities Kansas
Elizabeth L. MacGonagle, History and African & African American Studies: “Race, History, & Health in African and African Diasporic Communities”
- US State Department Ideas Grant
Akiko Takeyama, Center for East Asian Studies: “Support for Establishment of a Professorship”
- The Korea Foundation
2021 - 2022
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
José Ignacio Carvajal Regidor, Spanish & Portuguese: Xtz'ib'ax ri chak'atajik/Written conquest: Reducción and Territory in the Highlands of Guatemala
- Newberry Library
Marc L. Greenberg, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures: The Western South Slavic Languages — Migration, Symbiosis, Convergence, Divergence
- Hokkaido University—Hokkaido Slavic-Eurasian Studies Centre
Abdelmajid Hannoum, Anthropology: In Search of Life: Risk and Danger Among African Migrants in Morocco
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Marike Janzen, Humanities: Readers and Refugees as World Citizens in the Contemporary German Literary Sphere
- National Endowment for the Humanities—Summer Stipend Program
Maki Kaneko, Kress Foundation Department of Art History: Collaged Memories: Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani’s “Sidewalk Art”
- Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery
Vidhita Raina, Kress Foundation Department of Art History: Interuniversity Center for Japanese Language Studies
- Stanford University—Toshizo Watanabe Fellows Program
Stacey Vanderhurst, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Free Women Reclaiming Nigeria
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Glenn Adams, Professor of Psychology and Director, Kansas African Studies Center: “Supporting Sustainable Connections: The Kansas African Studies Center.”
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) Grant
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) Grant
Amal El Haimeur, African and African American Studies: "KU STARTALK Arabic Academy"
- National Security Agency—National Foreign Language Center
Maryemma Graham, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Black Book 2.0: Building Knowledge Networks through a Digital Media Datasphere"
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—Public Knowledge
Brent E. Metz, Professor of Anthropology and Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: “Strengthening Communities.”
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) Grant
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) Grant
Jonathan Perkins, Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center: "The University of Kansas Language Training Center: Building Language Capacity and Cultural Competency to Meet National Security Needs"
- Institute of International Education—Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)
Erik R. Scott, Professor of History and Director, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies: “Rethinking Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies in the Heartland for a Global and Digital Age.”
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) Grant
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) Grant
Phillip Stintson, Classics: “Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 8”
- Merops Foundation
Phillip Stintson, Classics: “Completion of the Final Publication on the Excavations of the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion of Aphrodisias, Caria”
- Harvard University—Loeb Classical Library Foundation
Akiko Takeyama, Professor of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Director: “Global Asia.”
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) Grant
- U.S. Department of Education International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) Grant
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1 2020 - June 30 2021
Beth Bailey, History: The US Army and ‘the Problem of Race’ during the Vietnam Era
- Carnegie Corporation of New York—Andrew Carnegie Public Scholar Fellowship
- National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholar Award
Rachael Epp Buller, Hall Center for the Humanities Visiting Scholar: Slow Practices for Speculative Futures
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Brad Cokelet, Philosophy: Philosophy as Way of Life
- National Endowment for the Humanities
Sara M. Gregg, History: Little Piece of Earth: The Hidden History of the Homestead Era on the U.S. Great Plains, 1804-1976
- University of Notre Dame
Kelly Kindscher, Kansas Biological Survey and Environmental Studies: Archived Ethnobotany in Historic Manuscripts of Great Plains and Southwest Native American Peoples
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Mehrangiz Najafizadeh, Sociology: The Study of Gender in the Global Context
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1 2020 - June 30 2021
Richard Godbeer, History and Hall Center for the Humanities "Stories for All: A Digital Storytelling Project for the Twenty-First Century"
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—Higher Learning
Maryemma Graham, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Black Book Interactive Project III"
- National Endowment for the Humanities—Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Program
Maryemma Graham, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Building Literacy and Curating (Critical Cultural) Knowledge in Black Humanities"
- National Endowment for the Humanities—Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
Ani Kokobobo, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures: "A Comprehensive Plan for Creating a Russian Studies Pipeline in Kansas High Schools"
- The U.S. Russia Federation (USRF)—Russian and American Studies Program
Yan Li, East Asian Languages & Cultures: "KU Project GO Center: Critical Language Training: Bridging Intercultural Competence and Regional Expertise"
- Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)—Institute of International Education, Project Global Officers (Project GO)
Brian Rosenblum, KU Libraries, Co-Director, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities: "The Public Digital Humanities: An Institute for Academic/Community Collaborations"
- National Endowment for the Humanities Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (IATDH) Grant
Phillip Stinson, Classics: “Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 7”
- Merops Foundation
2019 - 2020
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1 2019 - June 30 2020
Catherine Batza, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Boston Reproductive Justice History Walking Tour Podcast
- Whiting Foundation—Public Engagement Seed Grant
Even Dean, LifeSpan Institute, Bureau of Child Research: Occupational Therapy: Professionalism and Professional Identity
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Sarah Deer, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Indigenous Democracies: Native Women and the Future of Tribal Nations in the United States
- Carnegie Corporation of New York—Andrew Carnegie Public Scholar Fellowship
Andrew Denning, History: Automotive Empire: Roads, Mobility, and the Making of the Colonial State in Africa, 1900-1945
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Fellowship
Sherry Fowler, Kress Foundation Department of Art History: Buddhist Bells In and Out of Japan, Over and Under Water
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)—The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies
- The Japan Foundation—Ishibashi Foundation Fellowship for Research on Japanese Art
Nishani Frazer, History: Cooking with Black Nationalism
- The Pennsylvania State University—Humanities Institute Fellowship
Randall Fuller, English: Bright Circle: Five Remarkable Women in the Age of Transcendentalism
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—Public Scholar Program, Fellowship
- The Robert B. Silvers Foundation—The New York Review of Books, The 2020 Silvers Grant for Work in Progress
Jessica Gerschultz, African &African American Studies: Strengthening Arts and Humanities in the Maghrib
- Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC)—CAORC/Mellon Fellowship in Modern Art History
Anne D. Hedeman, Kress Foundation Department of Art History: Gothic Manuscripts, 1320-1390
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Fellowship
Laura Mielke, English: A Well-Lit House: The Reversal of Spectatorship in African American Oratory and Memoir, 1831-1877
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Misty Schieberle, English: Patriarchy, Politics, and Christine de Pizan’s Influence on English Literature, 1400-1478
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Fellowship
Nicholas L. Syrett, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Childhood, Abortion, and the Notorious Madame Restell, 1812-1878
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Fellowship
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1 2019 - June 30 2020
Whitney Baker, KU Libraries: "Improving energy efficiency in collection storage in Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas"
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—Preservation and Access: Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
Marta Caminero-Santangelo, English and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: two separate grants from the same agency for "Tinker Field Research Grants for Graduate Student Research in Latin America and the Caribbean" and "Tinker Field Research Collaborative"
- Tinker Foundation Incorporated (TFI)—Field Research Grants
Vitality Chernetsky, Slavic Languages and Literatures and Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies: "A Comprehensive Plan for Strengthening Russian Studies in the Heartland"
- The U.S. Russia Federation (USRF)—Expertise & Knowledge: Russian Studies Program
Jessica Gerschultz, African & African American Studies: "Mapping Art Histories in the Arab World, Iran and Turkey
- University of North Texas—Getty Foundation's Connecting Art Histories Initiative
Ayesha Hardison, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Hurston on the Horizon: Past, Present, and Future: A Summer Institute for Higher Education Faculty"
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—Summer Seminars and Institutes for Higher Education Faculty Grant
Yan Li, East Asian Languages and Cultures: "KU Project GO Center: Attaining Intercultural Competence and Regional expertise through Critical Language Training"
- Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)—Institute of International Education, Project Global Officers (Project GO) Program, grant
Elizabeth MacGonagle, History and Kansas African Studies Center: "Proposal to Host Dr. Joseph Oduro-Frimpong of Ashesi University (Ghana) at the University of Kansas"
- The US Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs—West African Research Association (WARA), US Headquarters
Phillip Stintson, Classics: "Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 6"
- Merops Foundation
2018 - 2019
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1 2018 - June 30 2019
Catherine Batza, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Aids in the Heartland
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Boston Reproductive Justice History Walking Tour Podcast
- Harvard University Radcliff Institute for Advanced Study Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library—Mellon-Schlesinger Summer Research Award
Henry Bial, Theatre & Dance: The Tastemakers: New York Theatre Critics and the Making of American Culture
- New York Public Library—Short Research Fellowship
E. Bruce Hayes, French, Francophone & Italian Studies: The Birth and Evolution of Anti-Religious Satire in France
- Brigham Young University, Harold E. Lee Library—French Political Pamphlet Research Fellowship
Farhan Karim, School of Architecture and Design: Conjectural 3D of Louis I. Kahn's Presidential Estate of Islamabad, Pakistan: Exploring Visualizing Unbuilt Architectural Projects
- Volkswagen/Stiftung/Andrew Mellon Foundation Fellowship
Anna Karpusheva, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures: In Search of a Form for Soviet Trauma: Svetlana Alexievich's Prose Between History and Literature
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Dissertation Completion Fellowship
Lance Rake, Design: Reimagining the Future of Mobility with and Sustainable Bamboo Bicycle
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Anna Rowland, English: Reading Keats in America
- National Humanities Center, Fellowship
Erik Scott, History: Soviet Defectors and the Borders of the Cold War World
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Fellowship
Whitney Sperrazza, Hall Center for the Humanities: Perverse Intimacies: Poetic Form and the Early Modern Female Body
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Akiko Takeyama, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies: The Impact of Policy on the Ambiguous Legal Status of Sex Workers in Japan's Adult Video Industry
- Social Science Research Council (SSRC)—Abe Fellowship
Aimee Wilson, Humanities and Western Civilization: Masculine Pregnancies: Reproduction in the Modernist Imagination, 1914-1945
- Yale University—Beinecke Library, Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship (short term)
Hui Faye Xiao, East Asian Languages and Cultures: Feminisms with Chinese Characteristics: 1995-2018
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Rami Zeedan, Political Science: Two awards for separate projects:
Accuracy of Predicting the Vote in the 21st Century
- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung—Research Grant
The Minorities Unit in the IDF throughout Israel's Wars 1948-1982
- Gerda Henkel Stiftung—General Research Grants: Projects
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1 2018 - June 30 2019
Sarah Bishop, Hall Center for the Humanities: "Haunting Humanities: Discipline in the Dark"
- Humanities Kansas—Major Grants Program
- Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission—Community Grant
Marta Caminero-Santangelo, English, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Hall Center for the Humanities: "Global Humanities Institutes 2020: Chronic Conditions: Childhood and Social Suffering in Global Africa"
- Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI)—Global Humanities Institutes 2020 grant
Rhonda Houser, KU Libraries: "Developing Student GIS Technical Skills"
- MidAmerica GIS Consortium Ltd. (MAGIC) grant
Yan Li, East Asian Languages and Cultures: "KU Project GO Center: Attaining Intercultural Competence and Regional expertise through Critical Language Training"
- Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)—Institute of International Education, Project Global Officers (Project GO) Program, grant
Jonathan Perkins, Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center: "Building Language Capacity and Cultural Competency to Meet National Security Needs: The University of Kansas Language Training Center"
- Institute of International Education (IIEE)—Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), grant
Brian Rosenblum, Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities and KU Libraries: "Migration Stories Sustaining Digital Humanities Institute"
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant for KU cohort attendance at the University of Pittsburgh's "Developing Sustainability Plans in Digital Humanities Grants Workshop"
Phillip Stinson, Classics: "Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 5"
- Merops Foundation
Brenda Wawire, African & African American Studies: "KU STARTALK Swahili Academy"
- National Foreign Language Center—STARTALK grant
2017 - 2018
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1 2017 - June 30 2018
Catherine Batza, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Aids in the Heartland
- American Association of Learned Societies (ACLS), Fellowship
Andrew Denning, History: Civilization through Circulation: Roads and Vehicles in Fascist Italy's African Colonies, 1922-1940
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
- Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)—German Academic Exchange Service
Kris Ercums, Spender Museum of Art: Queering Contemporary Asian Art
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Jessica Gerschultz, African and African American Studies: Beirut and the “Aubusson Libanais” in the History of Modern Tapestry
- Max Weber Foundation—The Orient-Institut Beirut, Hans-Robert Roemer Fellowship for Visiting Scholars
Martin Nedbal, School of Music, Musicology: Mozart for Czechs and Germans: Eighteenth-Century Opera and National Identity in Prague 1787-1945
- Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)—German Academic Exchange Service
Erik Scott, History: Illegal Emigration: Soviet Defectors and the Borders of the Cold War World
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Fellowship
Annamma Subini, School of Education, Special Education: Understanding Who is Incarcerated
- National Research council—Ford Foundation, Diversity Fellowship
F. Maria Velasco, Visual Art: Spaces of Conviviality
- AADK Spain
Kyoim Yun, East Asian Languages and Cultures: Participant: Buddhist East Asia: The Interplay of Religion, the Arts and Politics
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—Summer Programs in the Humanities for School Teachers and College and University Faculty
Peter Zazzali, Theatre & Dance: Drama School: A Sociocultural Analysis of Professional Actor Training in Anglophone Countries
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1 2017 - June 30 2018
Sarah Bishop, Hall Center for the Humanities: "Haunting Humanities: Discipline in the Dark"
- Kansas Humanities Council—Major Grants Program
Marta Caminero-Santangelo, English and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies: "Connecting Communities: The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies National Resource Centers (NRC) Program"
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resources Center Grant
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies Grant
Vitaly Chernetsky, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures and Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies: "National Resource Centers and Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Programs"
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resources Center Grant
Deborah Dandridge, KU Libraries, "Brown v. Board of Education Plaintiff Writers’ and Essays Project Narrative Workshops"
- The Walton Family Foundation
Maryemma Graham, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Black Book Interactive Project - Extending the Reach (BBIP-ER)"
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Fellowship—Digital Extension Grants
John Kennedy, Political Science and Center for East Asian Studies: "Building Global Competencies in the 21st Century: The Center for East Asian Studies National Resource Centers (NRC) Program"
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resources Center Grant
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies Grant
Yan Li, East Asian Languages and Cultures: "KU Project GO Center: Attaining Intercultural Competence and Regional expertise through Critical Language Training"
- Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)—Institute of International Education, Project Global Officers (Project GO) Program, grant
Elizabeth MacGonagle, History and Kansas African Studies Center, "Cultivating Global Citizenship in the Heartland: The Kansas African Studies Center National Resource Centers (NRC) Program"
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI National Resources Center Grant
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Foreign Languages and Area Studies Grant
Corey J. Maley, Philosophy: "Analog Neural Computation Prospectus"
- National Science Foundation (NSF)—Science, Technology, and Society (STS), grant
Jonathan Perkins, Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center, "University of Kansas Open Language Resource Center"
- U.S. Department of Education—International and Foreign Language Education, Title VI Language Resource Centers
Kathryn Rhine, Anthropology, "Chronic Conditions: Knowing, Seeing & Healing the Body in Global Africa"
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—Sawyer Seminars Program
Sarah Robins, Philosophy: "Memory Dynamics: Identifying Stable Memories in Fluid Neural Processes"
- Duke University—Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy (SSNAP) Program
"Investigating Memory Structure With iEEG"
- Duke University—John Templeton Foundation grant
Phillip Stintson, Classics: "Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 4"
- Merops Foundation
2016 - 2017
INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: July 1 2016 - June 30 2017
Catherine Batza, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies: Local and Regional Responses to AIDS in the American Heartland during the 1980s and 1990s
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) —Summer Stipend Program
Benjamin Chappell, American Studies: "Teaching American Studies in Germany"
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Vitaly Chernetsky, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures and Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies: Sophia Andrukhovych, Felix Austria, translation from Ukrainian into English
- PEN America—PEN/Heim Translation Grant
Sherry Fowler, Kress Foundation Department of Art History: Icon, Identity, and Collection: Japanese Buddhist Printed Images
- AAS Northeast Asia Council (NEAC)
Abdelmajid Hannoum, Anthropology, Colonial Legacy and the Question of Laïcité
- Aga Khan University—Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations
Ayesha Hardison, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: Specters of Segregation in the Post-Civil Rights Imagination
- New York Public Library—Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Scholar-in-Residence Program Fellowship
Martin Nedbal, School of Music, Musicology: American Archives and the Reception of Mozart’s Operas in Prague and Vienna
- The Dietrich W. Botstiber Foundation—Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies
Christopher Perreira, American Studies, Manufacturing Prisoner-Patient Consent: Race, Memory, and Violence in the Medical Archive
- National Research council—Ford Foundation, Diversity Fellowship
Colin Roust, School of Music, Musicology: The Music and Politics of Georges Auric
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
John Rury, School of Education, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies: "The History of American colleges and universities"
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Armin Schulz, Philosophy, Evolving Economics—Promises and Challenges in Linking Evolutionary Biology and Economics
- University of Pittsburgh—Center for Philosophy of Science
Erik Scott, History: Soviet Defectors and the Borders of the Cold War World
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
Phillip Stintson, Classics: "Pompeii and Herculaneum" and "Digital Methods"
- University of Pennsylvania—Penn Arts & Sciences, Williams Visiting Professor of History of Art
Sarah Goodman Thiel, KU Libraries: "Building Relationships on and off Campus"
- Harwood Institute for Public Innovation—Studio of Community Associate
Benjamin Uchiyama, History: Dancing Through Total War: Yokusan Culture and the Pursuit of Joy (with a twinge of desperation) in Wartime Japan
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
Kimberly Warren, History: Citizens of the World: Human Rights in the United States, Greenland, and Denmark
- Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)—Fulbright Scholars Program
“Lift as We Climb”: Mary McLeod Bethune's Campaigns for Gender, Civil, and Human Rights
- American Philosophical Society (APS)—Franklin Research Grant
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum—Small Aid Grant
INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS: July 1 2016 - June 30 2017
Paul Atchley, Psychology: "Kansas Coalition IC Center for Academic Excellence (KC-ICCAE)"
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Mission Services Directorate—Office of Training, Education and Development, FY 2017 Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (ICCAE) Program
Ayesha Hardison, English and Project on the History of Black Writing: "Black Love: A Symposium Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of Zora Neale Hurston"
- Kansas Humanities Council—Major Grants Program
Yan Li, East Asian Languages and Cultures: "KU Project GO Center: Critical Language Skills and Regional Expertise for 21st Century Officers"
- Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO)—Institute of International Education, Project Global Officers (Project GO) Program, grant
Andrew McKenzie, Linguistics: "A Semantic Grammar of Kiowa-kio"
- National Science Foundation (NSF)—Documenting Endangered Languages
Mary McLendon, William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications: "'Real News’ in the U.S. and Russia: Peer-to-peer Strategies for Fact-Checking and Verification"
- US Department of State—US Embassy & Consulates in Russia, U.S. Russia Peer-to-Peer Program
Kathryn Rhine, Anthropology, "Global Medical Humanities: Bridging Digital Health Divides"
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—Division of Education Programs
Phillip Stinson, Classics: "Archaeological Fieldwork at Aphrodisias, Final Documentation of the Sebasteion: Yr 3"
- Merops Foundation
- Loeb Classical Library Foundation